Charlene Glacy MN ‘09
Chapter Chair Emeritis
Charlene Glacy served as secretary of the San Diego Chapter for the past 6 years. She designed and distributed our quarterly newsletter, the flyers for our monthly dinner meetings and developed the San Diego Chapter website. She was recently elected to serve as Chapter Chair for 2021 -2022.
Following a long career as an Information Technology & Systems Management Consultant, Char now focuses on travel, photography and volunteer work. She spent over five years collecting, identifying and logging botanical specimens for the San Diego Museum of Natural History as part of the San Diego Plant Atlas. She walked 1061 miles of the California Coastal trail and documented each county segment along with many of the plants, birds and mammals she observed.
An avid birder, she participated in the 2014 Hatch Year Count on Midway Atoll and is happy to take visiting birders anywhere in the county to see the birds they are most likely to find.